Tuesday, March 20, 2007

team building activites :)

last lesson was a fairly emotional lesson for me i was a bit fired up for unrelated reasons 2 drama but after the break i was ready to join in the 'fun' of the knot game.. it didnt work out but was alrite considering the annoyingness (if thats a word) of the gfame! We then played the ball game and got (gut haha phobe) upto 25, which was a plus and we finished that game on a more postive note. The next game was the 'manner' game and was quite fun just allowing the class to all have a good time and a bit of a laugh HEHE HORNY ;)

Miss Mace brought to the classes attention, even though some were not aware of the so called bitchness happening, roll of the eyes at a person etc. I think it's just that fact not everyone is made to get along! But i must admit after the team building activities i felt more comfortable with most people and there wasnt a big gap between us or groups of people. Even the musical has helped with making our drama class more of a team..... But then again lol! i believe the that some people are trying to be all... look at me i am the best.. and are always competing and always wanting to be known as the VERY best!

JUST MY QUICK BITCH.. SERIOUSLY I NEED 2 GET IT OUT!!!!!! this person outside of drama unrelated activities is fine, and when they are not competing but, i just think not only this person who frustrates me at times but all of us including me need not focus on who gets what role because, at the end of the day the moderator is not marking you on your role they are marking you on your acting ability...

ok now back to mirror mirror.. we were ask to think about characters we would like and after seeing some scenes performed during class i really think i would like to play the girl or the voice of the girl. Reasons being i think these two characters could be done really well and i could see myself portraying these characters the best out of all the characters so far. After Kia and Kyle did the clowns acting out the story being told by the mum i can see the potential mirror mirror has not only to touch base on big issues affecting our youth but also be a light hearted comedy in places 2!

well since ive been at skool since 8:30pm (not that im complaining much haha, ah miss mace i kno ur prob still there i feel 4 u!) i think i might head off 2 bed

goodnite all dont let the bed bugs bite xoxo