Wednesday, February 21, 2007

yesterdays lesson...

Yesterdays lesson was very good in terms of our class working better as a group and becoming more comfortable with each other. After discussing possible plays for our group production we started doing improv games like 'park bench' and the 'bus.' These games would act as the audition for the part we will receive in the group production. There are no actual auditions for parts as Ms Mace is choosing them for us. I don't mind as Ms Mace will be choosing characters we will excel in and do our very best, but at the same time will challenge us, and enable us to show our acting abilities.

I did think about doing a backstage part in our group production, like maybe publicity but have decided i would enjoy acting more and think i will get more out of the course by doing it. Therefore by doing something i enjoy i will recieve a higher mark, HOPEFULLY! \

Also our lesson yesterday was so much fun and full of comedy i think we should start taping lesson and put together a DVD for the end of the year showing our journey in year 12 Drama Studies.

Love me xoxo


*bEc* said...

wow thats a greta idea! about the taping. i dno bout actually taping the whooole thing but recording little bits and taking photos would be a really great way to help us reflect on the year at the end...!

Ally said...

mmm. but it means ppl have to b organised and actually TAKE the pictures or videos.

jayan Mace said...

Jenna that is a great Idea I will bring my camera when we start rehearsals. however there is no way that I will be editing it together. I hate it I hate it I hate it. It takes so long and then it stuffs up and then takes so long and then it stuffs up and again with the taking so long.
But great idea and feel free to offer to edit. :)