Tuesday, May 22, 2007


today was my first lunch time rehearsal with macey..

it went quite well but now i am seeing the difficult side of my character! the straight part in which i was warned about very early on! In order to get a good mark i must show my diversity and not always play the victim throughout the play..

even tho i think the GIRL is a victim when it comes to the VOICE..
she is constantly depressed because of the things the voice says in her head.

In scenes like AERIAL BALLET, the diary entry i must show my true self.. the freedom speech, through this i must show the almost obsessive side of the girl..
In her diary she acknowledges the fact that she is thin and that SHE is making herself this way!This can become quite confusing 2 portray, as it is thought anorexic ppl see themselves as FAT when the look in the mirror BUT this scene is suggesting they don't! In fact it is suggesting that it is a choice the sufferers are aware of.
The girl is choosing 2 have the control by NOT 2 eating.. :s ahhh help lol!

i love the fact Maddy does ballet and can teach me dances so i don't look like a complete retard out there. The 2 scenes which have the most physical movement for my character all incorporate the voice as well! I saw that maddy's blog gave me a bit of praising, so i just thought i best say how i feel workin with you :) yes thats rite happy1 I can see u put in the effort as well and when it comes 2 wat some would say as 'corny' scenes u realli help me 2 focus on what we need 2 get across 2 the audience.Helping me 2 stay true 2 the directors intent, so yea thank you maddy.
Just a qucik note everyone is doing so well, i have faith in this play so dont doubt urself! keep up the good work coz u are all SHINING STARS no matter who u are lalalalala.. ahhh i betta go home before i go crazy ;p


1 comment:

Ally said...

hey sweetie
i'd just like to say that today was the first time i saw your "Lady Of Shallot" monologue and it was awesome. I was seriously nearly in tears.

well, good luck for tomorrow, thursday and friday.